Sunday, February 28, 2010

"your body is not good enough"

The media spreads this message of what they believe the ideal man and woman should look like. They constantly show these stick skinny women and muscular men and this is the image we all have in our heads. They show us models and actors that just look perfect.We begin to struggle with our own self acceptance because we realize that we do not look like them. Our confidence begins to slowly decrease when we have this image of what we should look like.

Many people begin to take it way too far with dieting. There are diet supplement pills constantly being advertised and quick ways to "get skinny." Everyone wants quick results, the easy way out is always the road leaned towards. How far can someone push themselves to be skinny? They push themselves until they are throwing up after every meal or not even eating. This is what many people sacrifice just to look like the people on television.

Anorexia and Bulimia are so popular that they are some of the most popular "weight loss methods" that people are following. Looking at yourself in the mirror, skin and bones and you're still not satisfied. It is a physiological mindset where they believe that they are still too fat. Giving up your own life, energy, happiness just to be stick skinny. This is what the media shows us, this is what we absorb and hope to look like. Is this really what we want?